I don't understand, why people don't like the new 2013 FW collection. Those who complain about it's not Yves Saint Laurent anymore. It's not Hedi Slimane. Those clothings are just like Forever21 or H&M.
Saint Laurent Paris - smoking jacket
Saint Laurent Paris - Angelina Jolie in smoking jacket by Hedi Slimane
Saint Laurent Paris - smoking jacket
Saint Laurent Paris - 2013 F/W
But listen, god bless Saint Laurent. He had passed aways, so did the trend. So why we trying so hard to pretend we will still live in that time?
Saint Laurent Paris- black high heels, boots - 2013 F/W
Saint Laurent Paris - leopard coat, check shirt, leather jacket - 2013 F/W
Saint Laurent Paris - leather jacket, short skirt - 2013 F/W
But look at the detail. Hey, it's still Saint Laurent. The cutting, the fabric, the black bow tie, the smoking jacket and more. "Devil in the Details" And don't forget, Saint Laurent bring the menswear to the womenswear. It's a revolution. And I think it's what Hedi doing now (or he just doing what he want to do). Bring the street fashion to high fashion. You can find it easier how he is fascinated by the street culture, rock and Sub-culture. So who say the Saint Laurent's woman (girl) can't wear like those girl on the street (or child prostitutes whatever you want to say) . Go to check the website, compare to other designer brand's clothing you can only wear one or two season. Those pieces are more wearable and still classical.
Saint Laurent Paris - 2013 F/W
Saint Laurent Paris - 2013 F/W LOOK
Saint Laurent Paris - 2013 F/W
Saint Laurent Paris - 2013 F/W LOOK
Saint Laurent Paris - 2013 F/W
Saint Laurent Paris - 2013 F/W LOOK
Saint Laurent Paris - 2013 F/W
Saint Laurent Paris - 2013 F/W LOOK
But let's face it, € 550 for a jean jacket? I don't think so. Thanks Hedi, look at the Runway Look. I believe everyone can find something in your closet or second hand shop that match the look. And it took me only one night to pick up those four Look and not even walk into any shop or spend any money.
Saint Laurent Paris- fur coat, boots - 2013 F/W
Saint Laurent Paris - boots - 2013 F/W
And when I was helping a magazine for photo shoot as a clothing assistant, I asked the two models which brand's outfit they like most, and here you are "Saint Laurent". "it's more comfortable and it's more like myself..." she said that when she wearing the boots (although it's quite different to wear, so many belts to fix!!). BTW they are about 20~25 years old.
Michael Pitt in dress in the movie "Last Days "
Saint Laurent Paris - 2013 F/W
Kurt Cobain in leopard coat
Saint Laurent Paris - 2013 F/W
Kurt Cobain in dress
Saint Laurent Paris - 2013 F/W
Kurt Cobain in dress on the front page of THE FACE
Saint Laurent Paris - 2013 F/W
Saint Laurent Paris - 2013 F/W
But don't give me wrong, Saint Laurent didn't offer me anything or pay me to write that. In fact, I can't afford any Saint Laurent piece!! (maybe the purse zipped) Just saying what I feel, and I do love Hedi from the beginning. But I still have to say, the whole collection remind me of Kurt Cobain (The Lead singer of Nirvana ) wearing dress.
Saint Laurent Paris - 2013 F/W - Music Project - Courtney Love
Saint Laurent Paris - 2013 F/W - Music Project - Courtney Love
Saint Laurent Paris - 2013 F/W - Music Project - Courtney Love
Hedi Slimane
Come on, it's true. Or why he invites Courtney Love (Kurt Cobain's wife) in the new music project? Don't forget : "Rock n'Roll never die."
The answer is non. With my long hair now, I have to be honest, it's really hard to arrange "those stuffs". You don't want to eat your hair when you enjoying your ramen, you don't want to see your terrible split ends when you are f*cking busy. The most important is you don't want to have your hair cut (I still love "those stuffs)! 對不起,無法。 我必須承認,我實在無力控制我一頭失控的長髮, 你不會希望在吃湯麵的時候品嚐到你頭髮上的油汙、 也不會希望在被上司搞到快發瘋時還要分心你髮稍的小分岔。 當然,最大的問題是:你不想剪去你一頭飄逸的長髮。
Karl Lagerfeld & ponytail & sunglass.
Now totally understand why Karl Lagerfeld always with his ponytail (If I have a chance to see him, I will absolutely ask him this question, and where to get nice hair band). It's like "I don't have time to arrange my hair, I don't want to look like bareheaded, at last I still have hair.". And Karl has his fan and sunglass, I need my cap. It explains why I already bought 3 baseball caps before Paris's summer. Here is my first Boy London's piece, classic black cap white "YOB" slogan. And I'm quite surprise it's not many persons (or store) wear (have) Boy London. I mean in Taiwan you can see that everything (I know well how they crazy about anything "trendy", That's why I bought it in Paris.) 我現在完全了可以了解,為何卡爾·拉格斐總是維持著中長、綁著馬尾的髮型, 我想他不會希望在高級訂製幅謝幕時,一陣微風吹來,打亂他一頭雪白的秀髮。 (如果有機會遇到他本人,我一定會詢問他關於髮型的問題,還有在哪裡可以購買好看的髮圈。) 這種形象似乎就向人宣告:比起我的髮型,時尚界還有其他更重要的事情要我煩心;但我也不想把頭髮剃光像個禿頭。 解決了惱人的頂上問題,卡爾總是戴著他的太陽眼鏡,而我也需要我的帽帽。 基於以上的原因,完全的解釋了巴黎的夏天還沒有來到,我就已經購入了三頂棒球帽。 而 Boy London 就是我的第一項戰利品,黑底 "YOB" 白字棒球帽, 對於在巴黎沒有看到很多人穿(戴)Boy London 讓我有點訝異, 畢竟這個牌子在台灣已經是到一個氾濫的地步(我當然知道台灣的同胞多麼愛好流行)。
Katharine Hamnett in slogan T-shirt with Margaret Thatch
I love it, it's kind of cap you can wear everywhere, and it goes with any clothing. I mean it's quite 80s, old fashion with the big white slogan. Even you just wear t-shirt & jean (even without makeup), with the cap you can still catch somebody's eyes easily. And everyone (almost) can get that (£35), Rihanna can, Andy Warhol wear...etc. Kind of like... Coca-Cola! Making think of what Andy Warhol said "Nancy Reagan drinks Tab, Gloria Vanderbilt drinks Tab...and just think you can drink Tab too." It's the same thing, my dear.
If you don't mind I have to go now, I gotta tell Karl to get one (Well, i know he doesn't need that but I will get another white one sooner or later...). 如果大家不介意的話,我打算先走一步。我必須跟卡爾·拉格斐說:是時候找頂帽子了。(我遲早會把另外一頂白色的帶回家)
I can't help. Anything with Keith Haring just drive me crazy. Well Colette drive me crazy too (anyone who love fashion won't say no to Colette). How about Colette & Keith Haring together. I will say " Where is my Carte Bleue? " 但願我知道如何戒掉你。我對凱斯·哈林 (Keith Haring) 莫名的迷戀,可能從高中時代在補習班旁販賣授權商品的小潮店中,買下第一個小吠犬狗電繡筆袋後結下不解之緣。 而 Colette 毫無疑問就是我的迪士尼樂園,所以當 Colette 遇上 Keith Haring, 我只想說:快把我信用卡拿出來!
If you want to become Keith Haring, get a glass and a pen first. Oh don't forget striped shirt (All artist love striped shirt, look at Picasso.) Too bad I don't have the Reebok sneakers. But look what I get form the second hand market. Loving glass, Bravo Paris!
Well, I won't recommend you buying those black hats with white embroidery. For me, it looks like something you can buy in every souvenir shops in front of every museums. 60歐元?你一定在跟我開玩笑。 錢可不能亂花,個人不推薦你買那些黑底白色塗鴉電繡的帽子,那些感覺在世界任何一個角落的薄霧關羽紀念品店都能夠被找得(但繡有凱斯 Keith 那頂非常搶眼,不再討論範圍)。
For Keith. So powerful, so much fun, life of a fighter. A true artist. And there is a exposition in Paris now, "Keith Haring, the political line". If you will visit Paris recently. Get up off your ass start moving! Keith 你的作品是如此充滿生命力、像孩童般的有趣。 對我來說,你是生命的鬥士,一位真正的藝術家。 而在巴黎最近也有他的展覽 "Keith Haring, the political line" (凱斯·哈林,政治不正確路線) 不管你在巴黎或將要前往巴黎,移動你的肥屁股快動身吧!