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It's hard to be a designer now, you have to know how to "show" yourself. |
The guy is kind of crazy (yes, but crazy in the fashion way).
Jeremy Scott, born in 1975. 36 years old is not that old for a fashion designer.
And the man in on fire, and he already burns for a long time!
1. 瘋子設計師(對我來說他就是瘋子) Jeremy Scott 最近幾年竄紅的速度可真是讓人hold 不住,1975年出生於美國的他,正值壯年36歲,在世界排名影響力時尚設計師卻已經是躍升31名,照他現在的聲勢來看,排名應該紙會越來越高!
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Another shot? |
As a designer in 21 century, you get lots of work to do.
Handing out and showing off your boyfriend (you know what I'm talking about, we all love you Marc), go to party and upload your pics on Instagram.
Of course, you must crossover with other brand. That's what he done all the time, and he did it well(really well)! So hello Swatch and Adidas.
2. 人氣爆衝的他,今年的3月才與瑞士鐘錶品牌 Swatch 聯名推出三款錶款,正所謂打鐵秤熱。想當然 Swatch 在年初的合作嘗到了甜頭,也沒有放手這隻金雞母,將在今年的十月推出五款合作聯名新作!
Handing out and showing off your boyfriend (you know what I'm talking about, we all love you Marc), go to party and upload your pics on Instagram.
Of course, you must crossover with other brand. That's what he done all the time, and he did it well(really well)! So hello Swatch and Adidas.
2. 人氣爆衝的他,今年的3月才與瑞士鐘錶品牌 Swatch 聯名推出三款錶款,正所謂打鐵秤熱。想當然 Swatch 在年初的合作嘗到了甜頭,也沒有放手這隻金雞母,將在今年的十月推出五款合作聯名新作!
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It's from my friend, I think it will be little bit too trendy for me. |
It must have reason that everyone want to crossover with Jeremy Scott, Look how successful Adidas Originals with Jeremy Scott's first collection. Everyone was crazy about the little bear on the sneakers, and the sneakers with wings!
It doesn't matter if Adidas making more money from selling those shoes than its other products. The most important is letting people know a sports brand can be fun and fashion (how can anyone not notice those eye-catching shoes,)
It doesn't matter if Adidas making more money from selling those shoes than its other products. The most important is letting people know a sports brand can be fun and fashion (how can anyone not notice those eye-catching shoes,)
3. 各大品牌不斷爭相與 Jeremy Scott 進行合作的計畫也不是沒有道理。與 Adidas Originals 聯名推出的鞋款,不管是把絨毛小熊放上運動鞋,或是在球鞋上加上飛天翅膀,甚至是把整雙鞋換成透明壓克力材質,沒有一雙不引起瘋狂搶購,姑且不論這樣的限量鞋款可以位品牌帶來多少商業上的實質利益,但是光就話題性與廣告性就絕對讓品牌值回票價。
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"le pliage" Before. |
Longchamp? I don't like "le pliage".
Even I think every 5 France woman, one will have "le pliage".
It's cheap, convenient, colorful, useful, but fashionable? I don't think so. I can't see anyone using the black nylon Prada bag anymore.
Save it to your mother when she need to go to supermarket, I think it will be helping to place the fruits and vegetables.
But for you? Well... I don't think it's not really a good idea...
4. 說真的,我覺得法國品牌 Longchamp 的經典摺疊收納包款大概是最不時尚的時尚單品。尼龍布這種廉價的梗 PRADA 早就玩得徹底,街上的瞎妹可以把這樣的款式送給老媽,讓她上街買菜拿來裝蔬菜水果,自己拿?就免了吧。
Even I think every 5 France woman, one will have "le pliage".
It's cheap, convenient, colorful, useful, but fashionable? I don't think so. I can't see anyone using the black nylon Prada bag anymore.
Save it to your mother when she need to go to supermarket, I think it will be helping to place the fruits and vegetables.
But for you? Well... I don't think it's not really a good idea...
4. 說真的,我覺得法國品牌 Longchamp 的經典摺疊收納包款大概是最不時尚的時尚單品。尼龍布這種廉價的梗 PRADA 早就玩得徹底,街上的瞎妹可以把這樣的款式送給老媽,讓她上街買菜拿來裝蔬菜水果,自己拿?就免了吧。
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"le pliage with Jeremy Scott" After |
But now I wanna a "le pliage",thanks Jeremy Scott, you make everything different.
New American designer with old France brand, It seen familiar.
Those SpongeBoblike colors and cartoon print on nylon bag?
I have to say it's match perfectly! It's like an old lady having her plastic surgery (you know what I mean).
5. 不過當 Jeremy Scott 這位時尚瘋子與 longchamp 合作時,一切都不一樣了,尼龍材質加上海綿寶寶般的卡通配色,可愛到讓人尖叫;塗鴉漫畫的印花表現,搶眼的讓人無法忽視,外加一點點的戲謔,讓 longchamp 從阿婆國民包搖身一變成為派對包款。而且還不只合作一次!
New American designer with old France brand, It seen familiar.
Those SpongeBoblike colors and cartoon print on nylon bag?
I have to say it's match perfectly! It's like an old lady having her plastic surgery (you know what I mean).
5. 不過當 Jeremy Scott 這位時尚瘋子與 longchamp 合作時,一切都不一樣了,尼龍材質加上海綿寶寶般的卡通配色,可愛到讓人尖叫;塗鴉漫畫的印花表現,搶眼的讓人無法忽視,外加一點點的戲謔,讓 longchamp 從阿婆國民包搖身一變成為派對包款。而且還不只合作一次!
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米奇下午茶的歡樂時光 |
Another crossover? Yes, now is Linda Farrow.
Oh, I forget our mother monster - Lady gaga. In the music video "Paparazzi" she wear the Jeremy Scott for Linda Farrow's Mickey mouse sunglass.
Now all the people know the name "Jeremy Scott"
6. 還有合作?有沒有搞錯阿?沒錯,太陽眼鏡品牌 Linda Farrow 也來跟大家分一杯羹,此系列還被我們的女神 gaga 愛戴,沒錯低,就是她在愛情狗仔(翻的也真是夠爛)MV裡那副貌似米奇老鼠的太陽眼鏡。
Oh, I forget our mother monster - Lady gaga. In the music video "Paparazzi" she wear the Jeremy Scott for Linda Farrow's Mickey mouse sunglass.
Now all the people know the name "Jeremy Scott"
6. 還有合作?有沒有搞錯阿?沒錯,太陽眼鏡品牌 Linda Farrow 也來跟大家分一杯羹,此系列還被我們的女神 gaga 愛戴,沒錯低,就是她在愛情狗仔(翻的也真是夠爛)MV裡那副貌似米奇老鼠的太陽眼鏡。
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老佛爺吉祥 |
7. Jeremy Scott 最為人津津樂道的大概就是她說過的一句話:「因為這個時代沒什麼我喜歡的設計師,所以我才決定當一個,不過Karl Lagerfeld除外。」。(你說他瘋不瘋)
8. 不過根據小道消息,他在十八歲的時候本來是想要成為一位演員,為此還寫了一部劇本,想讓流行天后瑪丹娜 Madonna 當女主角,好得到她的投資,想當然計畫沒有成功,所以他就成為了一位服裝設計師。
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Jeremy Scott x Swatch HYPNOTIC HEART |
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Jeff Koons HANGING HEART(大家評評理,是不是有像) |
9. 談到這裡,不難發現 Jeremy Scott 會走紅的那麼快速,不外忽視他的作品帶有媚俗性與無深度的特點,而且辨識度極高,就像是美國藝術家 Jeff Koons (美國人都這樣)的作品。穿上街時,明眼人一看就知道是腐爛流行界的同盟好友;瞎眼人一看,也會被他誇張的造型與設計吸引,非常適合當下社會每個人都想看起來與別人不一樣,卻都變成同樣一群的窘境。
今天想帶哪一支? |
10. 不過我個人認為,這次與 Swatch 的合作比起上次要來的力道不足,缺少讓人驚豔的元素,有些錶款更是照抄上個系列,個人覺得值得入手的大概就是是黃色對比豹紋與六個扣環的塑料錶款(SWATCH PUNK 搖滾時尚),喔喔~還有另一個oversize 項鍊吊飾限量款(HYPNOTIC HEART 心型懷錶) ,全球限量777個,OMG 要買就買這個吧!最後希望 Jeremy Scott 不要太忙於合作案,外務重要,但品牌更要顧阿…。